All after school activities are cancelled today, Friday, Jan. 31, due to inclement weather

Weekly Bulletin – May 23, 2024

on May 24, 2024

purple outline of a soldier with a spartan helmet onSmall School – Big Effort
High Character – Huge Success

Weekly Bulletin – May 22, 2024

PDF Printable Version

District Calendar

Sports Schedule Updates


The last Weekly Bulletin for the school year will be sent home on June 13th.

Student Focus – Principal’s Message

Dear Students,

As the school year ends, it’s crucial to finish strong. Stay focused on your goals with relentless determination until the last day. This effort sets a positive pattern for your future, whether you’re preparing for the next grade level, entering vocational training, entering the workforce, or pursuing higher education, the habits you form now serve as a foundation. Maintaining high standards now builds a firm foundation for future success.

Final exams, Regents and end-of-the-year projects significantly impact your grades, affecting future opportunities. Finishing strong also provides a sense of accomplishment and personal satisfaction. There is a pride that comes from knowing you have given your best effort, regardless of the outcome. This, in turn, can boost your confidence and motivation, encouraging you to tackle future challenges with enthusiasm and determination. 

In short, finishing strong helps build momentum for the future, ensuring you stay engaged and proactive in your growth. The habits and routines you establish now will carry over into the next phase of your journey.

We’re here to help you sprint through the finish line! Reach out to your teachers if you need help; utilize Schoology to stay up-to-date, and get plenty of rest.

Time to grind!

Mr. Yorke


After School Program Update

The last day for the After School Program will be Thursday, May 23, 2024. Please make sure you have alternate child care arrangements beginning Tuesday, May 28, 2024.


Memorial Day Chicken BBQ – May 27

Enjoy a delicious meal, show your patriotic spirit, and help support The Class of 2027. You can do all this by coming to the Memorial Day Chicken BBQ on Monday, May 27, 2024 from 11am to 2pm. This event is hosted by the Freshmen and is held at the Sharon Springs Central School. The dinner includes a baked potato, coleslaw, and a roll. The meal costs $15.00 and a 1/2 chicken costs $11.00. See a member of The Class of 2027 to purchase your meal, or simply show up on Memorial Day. We look forward to seeing you there!


Community Focus – A Service to the Sharon Springs Community

Sharon Springs Free Public Library
129 Main Street, Sharon Springs, NY

Regular Hours begin April 1st:

Monday- 10:00am-6:00pm
Tuesday- 3:00pm-8:00pm
Wednesday- 3:00pm-8:00pm
Thursday- 10:00am-6:00pm
Friday- 3:00pm-8:00pm
Saturday- 10:00am-1:00pm


Computers Available

All-in-One computers available from the school. If your household qualifies for free or reduced school lunch and you would like a computer for your household, please contact Tom Reynolds at or (518) 284-2266.


Weekly Bulletin Submissions

SSCS will continue to produce this document each week as a service to the SSCS community. Similar to last year, classified ads, such as advertisements for the sale of items, help wanted ads, etc., will no longer be accepted.  Advertisements will only be accepted if it relates to a potential educational benefit for our students or it has the potential to benefit the Sharon Springs community. SSCS reserves the right to edit any submission. For consideration, please email by 3 p.m. on Tuesdays to