SSCS is closed for Winter Break until Monday, Feb. 24. Have a great vacation!

Student Council Hosts Red Cross Blood Drive, Leads Hurricane Relief Effort

on November 3, 2024

three girls work at a sign in table

The SSCS Student Council joined the American Red Cross in October in hosting a blood donation drive at the school. The need for blood is constant and only volunteer donors can fulfill that need for patients in our community. Nationwide, someone needs a unit of blood every 2 to 3 seconds and most of us will need blood in our lifetime. Council members helped the Red Cross in welcoming and checking in donors and serving them snacks and beverages after their donation. Working the sign-in table here are (left to right) Zarie Fassett, Ava Jump and Yasmin Issa. Also assisting throughout the day were Alivia Smith, Madison Lynk, Hailey Cashman, Rocky Lasky, Clayton VanPatten and Devin Tissiere. Teacher Danielle Connors was the blood drive program leader for SSCS.


The SSCS Student Council initiated a Hurricane Relief collection during the month of October for the victims of Hurricane Helene living in devastated areas of North Carolina. Donation boxes were set up in the school, sorted by council members and delivered to the Matteson Hotel in Cedarville, which is directly assisting victims of Hurricane Helene. SSCS teacher Danielle Connors led the collection effort with the Student Council. Thank you to our Spartan students, staff and community for their generous donations!

students sort through boxes of donations


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