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SSCS Grad Returns to BOCES CTE to Mentor Students

on November 14, 2024

students works with other students on a CSI investigation

Rhianon Islip (standing), member of the SSCS Class of 2023 and now a paralegal working her way toward a career as a lawyer, recently returned to the Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical Education Center to share how her time at BOCES prepared her for college and a career.

Islip, also a CTE graduate, used her visit to the BOCES Criminal Justice program to share her expertise in Crime Scene Investigation (CSI). During her senior year Islip was part of the 2023 New York State SkillsUSA state champion CSI team. Today she is a graduate of Bryant & Stratton College.

Islip is full of praise for her time at BOCES and how it prepared her for college and a career.

“BOCES taught me valuable information that not only put me ahead for college, but also proved beneficial in my everyday life,” she said. “From meeting like-minded people, competing in competitions and talking to professionals in my desired career, BOCES was great!”

Another Spartan success story!

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