SSCS is closed for Winter Break until Monday, Feb. 24. Have a great vacation!

SSCS Features Special Farm to School Products in October

on November 9, 2024

girl holding cup of veggies and smiling

SSCS was proud to once again participate in National Farm to School Month this October. This year’s theme, “From Soil to Sea: Nourishing People and Planet,” embodied our commitment to honoring the vital role of producers in the food system. From dedicated farmers and ranchers to fishers, their work and expertise lay the foundation for a thriving farm to school movement.

For the month of October 2024, our SSCS Food Services Department featured Farm to School vegetables and products including maple syrup, potatoes, corn on the cob, brussels sprouts, apples and butternut squash. Thank you to our local sponsors Parsons Vegetable Farm, Stone House Farm & Sap House, Terrace Mountain Orchard in Schoharie and Dygert Farms Creamery in Palatine Bridge!

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