SSCS Celebrates Read Across America/Dr. Seuss Week

on March 8, 2025

people dressed in Dr. Seuss costumes

SSCS K-2 students celebrated Read Across America Week and Dr. Seuss’ Birthday March 3-7, reading some of Dr. Seuss’ favorite books in class and celebrating with various other activities. The fun included themed dress up days that matched the books they read each day. This featured wearing red or blue for Red Fish Blue Fish (Monday), wearing fun or crazy socks for Fox in Socks (Tuesday), wearing a hat to school for Cat in the Hat Day (Wednesday), dressing as what you want to be when you grow up for Oh the Places You’ll Go (Thursday) and dressing as your favorite Dr. Seuss character (Friday). Thank you from your K-2 teachers Mrs. Laier, Ms. Vickers, Mrs. Sniffen and Mrs. Baker. It was certainly a fun and educational week! VIEW MANY MORE PHOTOS FROM THE WEEK ON THE SSCS FACEBOOK PAGE

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