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SSCS Celebrates Our Veterans and Their Bravery

on November 8, 2024
Girl Scouts patriotically celebrate our veterans at a special Morning Program

Girl Scouts patriotically celebrate our veterans at a special Morning Program

SSCS held a special Morning Program on Nov. 8 to honor local veterans – family and loved ones of our SSCS students and staff – and veterans who could not attend. The auditorium was filled with patriotic songs and dress, American flags, photos, a large military display and a special breakfast. Students wrote special messages and thank you cards to the veterans as well.

As SSCS and the nation prepare to celebrate Veterans Day, we celebrate as a school the character strength of Bravery. When we think of our veterans we have gratitude for their bravery and all the sacrifices they made to defend and protect our country, freedom and our way of life.

View more photos of the 2024 Veterans Day celebration on the SSCS Facebook page

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