Scholarships for Academic Excellence

This scholarship is awarded to the top students graduating from NYS high schools in June 2024.  The number of scholarships available to each high school is dependent upon a process prescribed in paragraph (b) of subdivision 1 of Section 605-a of the Education Law.  Schools must use uniform criteria for the selection of nominees and criteria must be used in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Bulletin of Information ( 

Winners of this scholarship may concurrently receive any other New York State academic or general award for which he or she may be eligible. However, winners cannot be awarded a Scholarship for Academic Excellence in any amount when the combination of all awards would exceed their cost of attendance. Scholarship winners must attend a college or university (SAE’s cannot be used for trade schools) in New York State. Those who do not attend a college or university in New York State forfeit the award. Cost of attendance includes tuition, required fees, laboratory and other institution-related expenses, books, transportation, and room and board. Awards are renewable for up to four academic years of undergraduate study or five academic years, if the program of study normally requires five years as defined by the Commissioner of Education. In the event that a scholarship is declined by the student or revoked by the Commissioner of Education, its benefits will lapse and no re-awards will be made.

SSCS Selection Criteria:

Rank in Class: For high schools that can determine class rank because of their grading system, class rank of students at the end of their junior year. In the case of a tie, the high school may determine rank order by lottery among individuals having the same class rank.