Poster Club Treasure Hunts at Herkimer Diamond Mines

on May 25, 2024

group of student sift through rocks

Members of the SSCS Poster Club participated in a “treasure hunt” May 20 during a field trip to the Herkimer Diamond Mines. There, they had the unique opportunity to explore ground surface mines and chip away rock with a hammer to search for and keep the Herkimer Diamond quartz crystals hiding inside. These crystals are rare and believed to be 500 million-year-old.

Students also participated in sluice mining where they searched for gems by sifting through sand, rocks, and sediment with a special screen just like the old fashioned miners did. During their search, the group discovered Herkimer diamonds as well as fossils, gems and even shark teeth.

Next, they took their gems to the Artisan Center and learned how to customize stones and gems into various jewelry accessories. Prior to the field trip, local jeweler, Cindy Howell, who also has her jewelry for sale at Herkimer Diamond Mines gift shop, visited SSCS and worked with students on jewelry making using various gemstones and beads. This activity and the field trip offered students an educational journey into art, gemology, geography, history, science and geology of the region.

The SSCS Poster Club started as an after school poster design group but has evolved over the years into a full fledge art club for students in grades 6-12. The purpose of the organization is to stimulate interest in the visual arts and learning through discussions, student exhibitions, visits to galleries and museums and other activities.

This year’s student members are Hunder Bolster, Madalynn Humphrey, Jaxon Insogna, Barrrett Lynk, Madison Lynk, McKenzie Lynk, Hunter Mabie, Blake Palliser, Joseph Pizza and Nora Radliff. Their Poster Club Advisor is Sue Futerko.

View more photos from the Herkimer Diamond Mines trip on the SSCS Facebook page

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