Louis Messias, an SSCS Culinary Arts graduate, speaks as a representative of the CTE Class of 2024
Five SSCS seniors were among more than 100 Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical Education Center students from the Schoharie campus receiving certificates of completion, honors and awards during a ceremony on June 13.
Congratulations to SSCS CTE graduates Louis Messias (Culinary Arts), Breanna Parrotti (Building Trades), Jayden Abeling (Heavy Equipment), Rosa Brown (Building Trades) and Ethan Mickel (Heavy Equipment).
Click here for more photos of our CTE graduates
Messias had the honor of speaking as a representative of the Class of 2024. “During our time at CTE,” Messias said, “I have made very meaningful connections to the staff and people I have done work-based-learning with. To my fellow classmates, we were a team and a family, and it was a great honor to work beside you all.”
The ceremony marked the completion of one- and two-year programs at the school, including Culinary, Cosmetology, Commercial Construction/Heavy Equipment, Criminal Justice, Electrical Trades, Residential Construction, Two-Year Sequence of Health Careers and Automotive Trades Technology.
Speakers praised the graduates and their supporters for going above and beyond to secure bright futures.
“We marvels at the work our students have accomplished and experiences they have learned from,” said Matt Ward, Principal of the Schoharie Career and Technical School Campus.
Many of the graduates are going on to college and trade schools; and others are going straight into the workforce thanks to the skills they learned and the connections they made at BOCES.