SSCS is closed for Winter Break until Monday, Feb. 24. Have a great vacation!

Elementary Children Spread Belated Holiday Cheer at Marchand Manor

on January 4, 2025

kids pass out gifts at senior center

SSCS first and second graders went on a belated holiday visit to the Marchand Manor nursing facility on Friday, Jan. 3. This was a visit that was postponed in December due to illness and then the holiday break. The students wrapped blankets, provided by their teachers Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Sniffen, as gifts for each of the residents. While at the home, the children performed a special song called Peace, Joy, Love. A special thank you to Ms. Freeman for teaching the students how to “sign” the song. Rylie Bean was our special soloist for the performance. It was a great experience for the students to spread some Spartan cheer even after the holidays!

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