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SSCS FBLA members attend District 4 Fall Conference

on October 31, 2023
SSCS FBLA members attend District 4 Fall Conference

  Members of the SSCA Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter attended the District 4 Fall Leadership Conference at Bryant and Stratton College in Albany on October 27. This meeting brought together FBLA members from schools all over the Capital District and gave them the opportunity to experience various workshops, networking opportunities and prepare […]

SSCS senior Parrotti gets a taste of the plumbing industry

on October 30, 2023
SSCS senior Parrotti gets a taste of the plumbing industry

Sharon Springs senior Breanna Parrotti was one of about a dozen students who got a taste of the plumbing industry this fall courtesy of experts from UA Local 7, Plumbers and Steamfitters union. Studying in the Building Trades program on the Capital Region BOCES Career & Technical Education Center – Schoharie Campus, Parrotti learned the […]

Kindergarteners stage ‘It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown’

on October 30, 2023
Kindergarteners stage ‘It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown’

Teacher Anne Laier and her Kindergarten class took center stage at the October 27 Morning Program and entertained K-5 students and staff with a live production of “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charle Brown.” The famous Charles Schultz Halloween cartoon story featured all the Peanuts characters from Charlie Brown and Lucy to Linus and Snoopy. The […]

Kindergarteners visit Sharon Springs firehouse

on October 27, 2023
Kindergarteners visit Sharon Springs firehouse

Thanks to the Sharon Springs Fire Department for helping SSCS celebrate October Fire Prevention Month. Throughout the month SSCS has sponsored educational lessons and activities in and outside the classroom to raise fire safety awareness among students and staff and help ensure our homes are safe and our families are protected. This initiative was highlighted […]

SADD students sponsor SSCS Red Ribbon Spirit Week

on October 26, 2023
SADD students sponsor SSCS Red Ribbon Spirit Week

The SSCS chapter of SADD is sponsoring Red Ribbon Spirit Week Oct. 23-27 calling on all students to take the pledge to make good decisions when it comes to themselves and others. Red Ribbon Week is a national campaign held in October that inspires our kids to be happy, brave and drug free. During the […]

Congratulations K-5 September Students of the Month

on October 24, 2023
Congratulations K-5 September Students of the Month

Congratulations to our SSCS K-5 Students of the Month for September. Students are selected for this honor for making positive choices, working hard, and helping others. September honorees are (bottom row – left to right): Maria Messias (Grade 2), Aubrey Raggi (Grade 2), Mason Cornwell (Grade 1), William Simpson (Kindergarten) and Daniel Ferrone (Kindergarten). Top […]

SSCS attends College Information Day

on October 23, 2023
SSCS attends College Information Day

More than a dozen SSCS high school juniors and seniors attended College Information Day Oct. 18 hosted by SUNY-Cobleskill. Representatives from nearly 50 colleges and universities were on hand to offer information on their educational institutions, answer questions and give area high school students an early glimpse into college life. The event was also sponsored […]

SSCS hosts school Poetry Festival

on October 16, 2023
SSCS hosts school Poetry Festival

SSCS hosted its annual Poetry Festival on Oct. 13 and Sharon Springs students in grades 6-12 had the pleasure of mingling with world famous visiting poets during an assembly in the school auditorium. Festival founder and Pulitzer Prize winning Irish poet Paul Muldoon shared a poem which compared the sounds of coy wolves he heard […]

SSCS’ Brown a new face in the construction industry

on October 13, 2023
SSCS’ Brown a new face in the construction industry

Sharon Springs’ Rosa Brown may one day represent the face of change in the construction industry. Right now, though, the SSCS high school junior is learning the fine art of construction and masonry at Capital Region BOCES. Brown is among 87 students from the area enrolled in the Building Trades program at the Career & Technical […]

Lady Spartans Soccer rebuilding for success

on September 8, 2023
Lady Spartans Soccer rebuilding for success

After a truly exciting 2022 season, a trip to Sectional play and seeing five senior players graduate last spring, the SSCS Girls Varsity Soccer Spartans face the challenge of rebuilding this year.   “There is no doubt that we are a young team,” said Spartans Coach Randi Korona. “The underclassmen have a lot of responsibility on […]