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December Students of the Month

on January 10, 2024
December Students of the Month

Congratulations to our SSCS K-5 Students of the Month for December. Students are selected for this honor for making positive choices, working hard, and helping others. December honorees are top row, left to right: Maven Armstrong, Zane Wright and Warren Ducharme; Middle row, left to right: Bastian Lynk, Morgan Lynk and Kayla Kerber; Bottom row, […]

7th Graders Square Off for SSCS Spelling Bee Crown

on January 9, 2024
7th Graders Square Off for SSCS Spelling Bee Crown

Congratulations to Molly Parsons for winning the annual Sharon Springs School Spelling Bee on January 9. Ten students from grades 4-8 participated in the round-by-round “spell-off,” which is part of the Scripps National Spelling Bee and sponsored locally by the Sharon Springs Historical Society. The spelling contest came down to Parsons and her fellow seventh […]

Letters not ‘texts’ spur unique writing project with SSCS grad and 7th graders

on December 29, 2023
Letters not ‘texts’ spur unique writing project with SSCS grad and 7th graders

In these times of “Texts” and “Chats” and “Snaps” you may be surprised to learn that it wasn’t a “DM” but an old-fashioned letter or two that united a local teen and a group of SSCS tweens in a unique writing project this school year. And before you reply “TMI” (Too Much Information) or “TL. […]

Holiday Extravaganza/Snowman contest wrap up Holiday Spirit Week

on December 22, 2023
Holiday Extravaganza/Snowman contest wrap up Holiday Spirit Week

SSCS concluded Student Council Holiday Spirit Week Thursday afternoon (Dec. 21) with a variety of team building activities and games for middle and high school students. Activities included Family Feud Christmas trivia, indoor soccer, Christmas Bingo, Gaga Ball, four corner volleyball and board games. Students and staff were sent off to break with a school-wide […]

View MS/High School and Elementary School Holiday/Winter Concerts

on December 21, 2023

‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ performed by Kindergarteners

on December 20, 2023
‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ performed by Kindergarteners

Teacher John Walker and his Kindergarten class took center stage at the December 20 Morning Program and entertained K-5 students and staff with a live production of “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” The famous Charles Schultz holiday cartoon story featured all the Peanuts characters from Charlie Brown and Lucy to Linus and Snoopy. The children had […]

6th graders visit Bassett Hospital’s UpClose Cardiac Program

on December 18, 2023
6th graders visit Bassett Hospital’s UpClose Cardiac Program

The SSCS sixth grade class paid a visit to Bassett Hospital’s UpClose Cardiac Surgery Program in Cooperstown last week. The UpClose Cardiac Surgery program has been delivered by the division of cardiac surgery at Bassett Medical Center since 2004. Each year, more than 1,200 students from area middle schools attend a three-hour session at Bassett […]

SSCS Stuffs the Bus with Holiday Donations

on December 15, 2023
SSCS Stuffs the Bus with Holiday Donations

SSCS bus driver Dan Dawson and some of our students delivered local donations to the Veterans Medical Center in Albany this holiday season. A heartfelt THANK YOU to all who donated to the cause and to those who joined Dan in supporting the Stuff the Bus donation drive.

Students visit Albany’s College of Nanotechnology, Science and Engineering

on December 14, 2023
Students visit Albany’s College of Nanotechnology, Science and Engineering

About 40 SSCS secondary school students, their math instructors and counselor had an opportunity this winter to experience the College of Nanotechnology, Science and Engineering in Albany. Students at the college are preparing for exciting careers in environmental sustainability, artificial intelligence, computing, nanotechnology, engineering sciences, and the superconductor industry. Just this week, Gov. Kathy Hochul […]

SSCS inducts new members into National Honor Society chapter

on December 13, 2023
SSCS inducts new members into National Honor Society chapter

Congratulations to SSCS senior Kirsten Kennedy (left) and juniors Isabella Perrotti  (center) and Seth Mahoney who were inducted into the Sharon Springs chapter of the National Honor Society on Dec. 13. The three took their membership pledge administered by SSCS chapter President/senior Jayna Manko during an induction ceremony in front of their families, teachers, administrators […]